
The editorial line of the Colección C&FE, hand in hand with the exhibition projects, is the main way to spread and promote its collections and archives. Since 2012, our publications, produced with great care and with the participation of important researchers, graphic designers, and printers, have received national and international recognition.

Among the main works published by Colección C&FE are: The Carolina & Fernando Eseverri Collection: Journals. Barbara Brändli Archive (2024), Deconstructing the Sistema nervioso by Lange, Brändli and Chalbaud by Ricardo Báez and Eduardo Castro, editors (2023); Accumulate, Classify, Preserve, Display. Roberto Obregón Archive by Jesús Fuenmayor, editor (2021); Los originarios contemporáneos: una mirada fotográfica by María Teresa Boulton (2019); Barbara Brändli, in collaboration with PHotoBolsillo, La Fábrica and Archivo de Fotografía Urbana (2018); and Roberto Obregón en tres tiempos by Ariel Jiménez (2013).

Deconstructing the Sistema nervioso by Lange, Brändli and Chalbaud is available for purchase: here.
Accumulate, Classify, Preserve, Display. Roberto Obregón Archive is available for purchase: here.

More information about other publications can be requested through the form on our contact page.

Publications edited and published by Colección C&FE
The Carolina & Fernando Eseverri Collection: Journals. Barbara Brändli Archive (2024)
Accumulate, Classify, Preserve, Display. Roberto Obregón Archive by Jesús Fuenmayor, editor (2021)
Deconstructing Sistema nervioso by Lange, Brändli and Chalbaud by Ricardo Báez and Eduardo Castro, editors (2023)
Roberto Obregón en tres tiempos de Ariel Jiménez (2013)